Developing a foreign exchange risk management strategy
Our on-going consultancy service helps optimize your treasury functions, keeps your foreign exchange expenses to a minimum and ensures that cash generated internationally is employed to maximum effect…
Automation is not always the answer
With the right technologies, moving funds from one part of the world to another is a relatively straightforward process. But not always. Because there are some aspects of corporate foreign exchange (FX) that algorithms can’t deal with. Robots are incapable of forecasting exchange rates, assessing complex risks, judging value for money and how well (or not) your FX activities integrate with your treasury operations. Without expert and human support, such issues can become a headache. They also take time to deal with, cost money and cause delays.
On-going support as a complementary service
In FX, some circumstances and requirements are significantly more complicated than others. For example, larger enterprises with multiple international currency exposures, utilising several functional currencies through overseas subsidiaries, can find it challenging to develop an effective treasury management solution. Where those and other factors exist, LinealPay’s™ consultancy team can help. Working within a regulatory, deliverable framework we partner with your people to address the difficulties and mitigate the risks inherent in large-scale, corporate FX.